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Disable by image

You can disable lightbox of images separately by adding off-glb or customized class through markdown_extensions attr_list. Enable attr_list via mkdocs.yml:

  - attr_list

Check more details about attr_list on the official document.

The customized classes could be set in plugin option:

  - glightbox:
        - skip-lightbox


The lightbox of the image with class off-glb or skip-lightbox (a custom class in plugin skip_classes options) is disabled.

![Lanyu, Taiwan](../images/gallery/blueswen-lanyu.jpeg){ .off-glb }

![Hallstatt, Austria](../images/gallery/blueswen-hallstatt.jpeg){ .skip-lightbox }

![Obertraun, Austria](../images/gallery/blueswen-obertraun.jpeg)

Lanyu, Taiwan

Lanyu, Taiwan. Credit: Blueswen

Hallstatt, Austria

Hallstatt, Austria. Credit: Blueswen

Obertraun, Austria

Obertraun, Austria. Credit: Blueswen